What Do Christian Missionaries Do and How Do They Impact the World?
What do Christian missionaries do? They dedicate their lives to sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ and fulfilling the Great Commission, recorded in Matthew 28:19–20. By demonstrating Christ’s love through tangible acts of service, missionaries bring hope and transformation to communities in need. At GFA World, we are privileged to train and equip these devoted individuals, who serve in some of the most challenging and remote areas of the world.
Through our ministry, we have seen how God transforms lives when His love is shared with those who have never heard His name. Our missionaries focus on meeting both spiritual and practical needs, recognizing that the message of Christ becomes even more powerful when accompanied by acts of kindness and care. In places where access to Christ’s message is limited, the work of national missionaries is uniquely effective. These men and women understand their communities’ language, culture and challenges, allowing them to share the love of God in a way that resonates deeply.[1]
The activities of Christian missionaries often begin with building relationships and trust. They demonstrate God’s love through healthcare initiatives, clean water programs and education, ensuring that communities have the resources they need to thrive. For example, one of our missionaries, Pastor Reinhard, recognized the urgent need for better hygiene in his village, where typhoid and other diseases were rampant. He organized a Global Handwashing Day, teaching proper hygiene practices to reduce illness and improve the lives of families in his community.[2] Such efforts not only meet immediate physical needs but also open hearts to the message of hope found in Christ.
In another instance, Donatus, devoted to his traditional religion, resisted the efforts of his son Byurak, a GFA national missionary, to share the Good News. Byurak’s unwavering faith, kindness and dedication slowly softened his father’s heart, leading Donatus to embrace Christ. When tragedy struck and Donatus’s son Crepin became paralyzed, Donatus prayed fervently for his healing. God restored Crepin, and witnessing God’s miraculous healing strengthened Donatus’ faith. Inspired by Byurak’s dedication and Donatus’s transformation, the entire family, including the eldest son, Jedrek, came to Christ. One of Donatus’s daughters, moved by Byurak’s example, also became a GFA missionary. This story is a powerful Christian missionary testimony, showing how a single life dedicated to God can transform an entire family and inspire others to serve.[3]
Where are Christian missionaries needed most? One answer lies in the 10/40 Window. According to the Joshua Project, it is a region that stretches across North Africa, the Middle East and Asia. This area is home to more than 3.3 billion people who have never heard the message of Christ’s love, making it the most spiritually underserved region in the world. The challenges to reaching these people are significant as poverty, resistance to Christianity and cultural barriers often make traditional missions difficult.[4] GFA World’s national missionaries, however, who were born and raised in these regions, are uniquely positioned to navigate these obstacles. They share God’s promise in ways that are culturally appropriate and deeply impactful, often meeting practical needs, such as providing clean water or income-generating tools to improve daily life.
At GFA World, we believe that sponsoring Christian missionaries is a tangible way to participate in this transformative work. For as little as $30 per month, individuals can sponsor a missionary, enabling them to serve full time in their calling. This sponsorship helps cover the missionary’s basic living expenses, transportation and resources needed for ministry outreach. The total cost of supporting a national missionary annually ranges from $360 to $1,000, depending on the region and specific ministry needs. By partnering with us, sponsors not only support these missionaries but also join in their mission to bring hope and restoration to underserved communities.[5]
In addition to sponsorship, GFA World offers other meaningful ways to support our missionaries. Contributions can be directed to initiatives such as providing clean water through Jesus Wells, distributing income-generating gifts like livestock, or funding healthcare and educational programs. These projects address both immediate and long-term needs, empowering families and bringing lifelong changes to communities. Prayer remains at the heart of this work of missionary support, asking God for spiritual strength and protection for missionaries as they serve in challenging and often remote environments. Every gift and prayer fuels the mission to bring Christ’s message to places that desperately need it.[6]
The work of GFA World missionaries is a testament to the power of Christ’s love, shared both in word and deed. Their efforts not only bring relief to those in desperate situations but also shine a light of hope that points people toward a loving God. Through their tireless efforts, lives are being changed, communities are being restored, and the light of God’s promise is reaching places where it has never been heard before. This mission is not just about preaching the Good News but living it out, demonstrating God’s love in practical and meaningful ways. We are humbled to be part of this incredible work and invite you to join us in bringing hope to a world in need by sponsoring a GFA missionary.
Learn more about how to support Christian missionaries through GFA World[1] “New Believer Becomes Ministry Catalyst.” GFA World. April 2023. https://www.gfa.org/news/articles/new-believer-becomes-ministry-catalyst-wfr23-04b.
[2] “Protecting Lives through Clean Hands.” GFA World. October 14, 2021. https://gospelforasia-reports.org/2021/10/protecting-lives-through-clean-hands.
[3] “A Father’s Faith Leads Family to God.” GFA World. July 2023. https://www.gfa.org/news/articles/a-fathers-faith-leads-family-to-god-wfr-23-07b/.
[4] “What Is the 10/40 Window?” Joshua Project. Accessed December 20, 2024. https://joshuaproject.net/resources/articles/10_40_window.
[5] “National Missionaries: Sponsor a National Missionary.” GFA World. Accessed December 20, 2024. https://www.gfa.org/sponsor.
[6] Ibid.