Underprivileged Kids in South Asia: Charity Can Make a Difference
In 2021, the population in one South Asian country was estimated at 1.39 billion people, nearly one-sixth of the world’s population. [1] More than a quarter of that number represent children ages 0 to 14.[2] This country is second only to China in total population. Worldwide, 30 percent of children living in poverty are in this one country.[3] For the millions of underprivileged kids in South Asia, charity organizations can work together with the government to make a difference in the lives of individuals, families and communities.
For poverty-stricken kids, countries in South Asia are working hard to improve their conditions. Much of the poverty in this land can be attributed to the lack of opportunities in the highly rural region, as well as long-standing cultural and social issues that are slowly being addressed. Even with these high numbers and history of cyclical poverty in South Asia, underprivileged kids in this area are getting the help and services they need to break free from poverty, stay in school and have a chance at health.
“[This area’s] growth over the last two decades has contributed phenomenally to global human development,” reports UNICEF. “Extreme poverty in [one country in South Asia] reduced to 21 percent, infant mortality has more than halved, some 80 percent of women now deliver in a health facility and two million fewer children are out-of-school.”[4]
This is an incredible achievement brought about by local governments and legislation, such as the Rights to Education Act, as well as the non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that come alongside local communities to help the millions of precious children in need. For underprivileged kids in South Asia, charity work is a vital part of the solution.
Just how many kids does South Asia have? To give you an idea, just one country in South Asia has the largest adolescent population in the world, 253 million, and every fifth person in that country is between 10 to 19 years.[5]
“[South Asia] stands to benefit socially, politically and economically if this large number of adolescents are safe, healthy, educated and equipped with information and life skills to support the country’s continued development,” says UNICEF, a NGO dedicated to helping children. “However, adolescent girls are especially vulnerable to poor nutritional status, early marriage and childbearing, affecting their ability to live empowered, healthy lives, which in-turn affects the next generation.”[6]
Neale was a little boy who understood this, not from fancy reports or news articles, but from the life he was living.[7] His parents worked in the tea fields of a mountainous region. Though their home was provided through the tea plantation, they often couldn’t make ends meet, which included bus fare for Neale to go to school. He stood by helplessly as he watched his father stumble home drunk, having spent his portion of earnings on alcohol.
Neale knew he was falling behind in his studies, and he knew that an education was what he needed to get a job and properly care for his mother, Kadena. He hated seeing her work so hard and struggle to take care of them.
One day, Neale’s teacher visited Kadena. The teacher had noticed Neale’s grades were slipping and that he wasn’t always attending school. She had an idea to help get him back on track and, more importantly, stay in school. The teacher told Kadena about GFA World’s Child Sponsorship Program, which helps provide children and their families with the resources the children need to stay in school and thrive.
Through the program, Neale received tutoring to catch up on his studies, nutritious food, school supplies and more. All of this helped reduce Kadena’s financial burden. It took time, but Neale’s grades rose. Both he and his mother now had hope for his future. Neale could gain the skills needed to someday attain a job that would help his family.
GFA World knows that children need more than one thing in order to survive. For instance, if Neale was only given food but not the help he needed with schoolwork, he most likely would not have made the gains he needed to succeed. GFA’s child sponsorship program is designed to meet the multi-layered issues faced by underprivileged kids in South Asia. Charity programs like GFA’s are designed to offer children the best possible outcome in order to break the cycles of poverty that often follow children into adulthood.
Sponsor a child like Neale today for just $35 a month. You can help mothers who are watching their children’s futures slip away. With few options and resources, impoverished families need generous givers like you to make a difference in their lives. This caring support extends beyond the child, as it also helps to bolster entire communities. GFA’s program is one of the difference makers that is helping growing countries in South Asia make strides for its millions of children. When children are strong, communities are strong. Sponsor a child today with your monthly gift and know that you are changing more than one child’s life. Because Neale can stay in school and do well, he can go on to better education or well-paid skilled work that pays better than working in the fields of tea plantation owners. Maybe one day, Neale can own a business himself.
Learn more about disaster relief organizations[1] “Data, Indian Population.” World Bank. Accessed October 20, 2022. https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SP.POP.TOTL?locations=IN.
[2] “World Development Indicators.” World Bank. Accessed June 26, 2023. https://wdi.worldbank.org/table/2.1.
[3] Scott, Asa. “6 FACTS ABOUT CHILD POVERTY IN INDIA.” Borgen Project. December 16, 2020. https://borgenproject.org/child-poverty-in-india/.
[4] “Children in India.” UNICEF. Accessed October 20, 2022. https://www.unicef.org/india/children-in-india.
[5] Ibid.
[6] Ibid.
[7] “Keeping His Future Intact.” GFA World. October 2021. https://www.gfa.org/news/articles/keeping-his-future-intact-wfr21-10/.