How Many Kids Does South Asia Have?
How many kids does South Asia have? To give you an idea of the magnitude of this number, just one country in South Asia has over 1.40 billion people and is the second most populous country in the world.[1] Moreover, this country is experiencing remarkable growth both in terms of its population and economy, positioning it to shape the future and positively impact the lives of its children.
The median age in this South Asian country is quite low, at just 28 years old.[2] It is a young population with many people looking to have secure employment or income options.[3] Good employment starts with good education. According to a UNICEF report, significant advancements have been achieved in education within this nation, yet the preparedness of children for school at the age of 5 remains considerably lower than anticipated.[4]
A country’s ability to sustain its growth economically must be centered on a population with access to education and the resources to continue that education. Many non-governmental organizations work with and in South Asian nations to help make this happen.
GFA World, for example, uses its highly successful child sponsorship program to bolster a family’s ability to keep their children in school. GFA connects sponsors from all over the world with children who need extra support. Not only does the sponsorship help ensure the child will go to school but also stay in school. The program also ensures the child gets essentials such as nutritious food, access to clean water, hygiene items and help with school work. The program also provides services for the parents.
Sponsoring one of these precious children is only $35 a month. You can make a difference in one child’s life, and, in turn, that child can make a difference in his or her family and community. An education is essential to advancing beyond manual labor, like jobs in fields or brickmaking, that garners meager wages. Breaking free from poverty or the constant threat of it starts with a solid education.
GFA World wants to help change the trajectory of children’s lives through generous sponsors like you. GFA stands ready to employ your gift in lifting a child to a position where they can start to thrive and dream of the future in a hopeful way.
Learn more about underprivileged kids in South Asia charity[1] “Current World Population.” Worldometer. Accessed October 21, 2022. https://www.worldometers.info/world-population.
[2] Ibid.
[3] Rathore, Manya. “Employment in India – Statistics and Facts.” Statista. June 12, 2023. https://www.statista.com/topics/6583/employment-in-india/#topicOverview.
[4] “Education.” UNICEF. Accessed October 21, 2022. https://www.unicef.org/india/what-we-do/education.