What Is the Purpose of Faith-based Disaster Relief Organizations?
1 John 3:17 asks an important question, “But whoever has this world’s goods, and sees his brother in need, and shuts up his heart from him, how does the love of God abide in him?” That verse spells out just one purpose of faith-based disaster relief organizations. Here are others:
Bring tangible help – Tangible help is essential following a disaster or natural emergency. People need immediate assistance with food, clothing, medical care and shelter. People are often left with nothing and need to start their lives completely over. Relief organizations can provide the help to get people back on their feet again. Organizations may also help the community as a whole. For example, providing clean water in areas where infrastructure has been destroyed. This may be done immediately through tanks of water and then long term by helping drill a new well or repairing the infrastructure.
Show the love of God – Faith-based organizations bring more than tangible relief. They also bring the life-changing hope of Jesus. Through faith, survivors can find healing and hope for a better future. Organizations often work with the local churches to meet the spiritual needs of the community. Many of the people have never heard of the love of Jesus. What a great honor to show them from the Bible how much Jesus loves them.
Go where others are unwilling – Relief organizations go where other are unwilling to go, such as leprosy colonies or refugee camps or neighborhoods filled with disease. Faith-based missionaries compassionately go into these areas with medical care, training, education and more. They go with love to those who have been ostracized or shunned by others.
Deliver hope in difficult situations – Hope is often the thing that is missing the most and is most beneficial. Through prayer and compassion, God can mend hearts and bring comfort to the grieving.
Ongoing support – Faith-based organizations are often in an area for as long as needed. For example, GFA World uses national missionaries and pastors to continue the work in these communities. Long after the other organizations have left, GFA pastors and their churches continue to serve and bring the hope of Jesus to the community or village because they are living among the very people they are ministering to.
Will you join us in supporting these faithful missionaries and pastors who serve in South Asia and parts of Africa? God is blessing GFA’s work and people are coming to know and love Jesus and the hope that He brings to desperate situations.
Learn more about disaster relief organizations[1] “Disaster Recovery – What Donors and Nonprofits Need To Know.” National Council of Nonprofits. https://www.councilofnonprofits.org/tools-resources/disaster-recovery-what-donors-and-nonprofits-need-know. Accessed November 16, 2022.
[2] “Disaster Relief: Help Now, Help Later, Help Better.” University of Pennsylvania: The Center for High Impact Philanthropy. https://www.impact.upenn.edu/how-to-help-in-a-disaster/. Accessed November 16, 2022.
[3] “Volunteer and Donate.” FEMA. https://www.fema.gov/disaster/recover/volunteer-donate. Accessed November 16, 2022.