How Much to Drill a Well in Asia or Africa?
GFA World can provide safe, clean drinking water to approximately 300 people per day for at least 10 years at a cost of $1400 per well, which means a donor can supply clean water for a decade for an entire family of six for $30!
When you research the various organizations and ask how much to drill a well, it is very important to ask some important questions:
- Who drills the well?
- How long is the well expected to last?
- Is the well deep enough to still produce water in the driest of seasons?
- Who will maintain the well?
- Is the well available to all people—no matter their race, tribe, ethnicity, religion, etc.?
- Who pays for major repairs?
GFA wells are drilled by locals. Why? It is cost-effective and supports the local economy of the region. The wells are drilled as deep as necessary to be a reliable source of water, even in a drought or dry season.
While each well is expected to last 20 years, it needs to be maintained regularly. Each well provided to a community by GFA is maintained by a local church. The church is responsible for repairing broken parts and keeping the area around the well clean. Major repairs are funded by GFA.
In many parts of the world, water use includes discrimination. For example, water sources may be reserved for certain religions, races, or those in higher castes. Not GFA wells. Everyone has equal access to GFA wells.
GFA wells are called Jesus Wells. They are a tangible way a church can minister to the entire community and have hands-on interaction with the community. Jesus Wells give pastors and churches an illustration of Jesus being the Living Water.
Will you join us in helping provide clean drinking water to some of the poorest people in the world?