How Does GFA World Fight for Girls’ Education?
Inspired by Jesus’ love for the poor, GFA World has been transforming communities in need since 1979. One of the missions of GFA World is to fight for girls’ education. Why? Because we understand that education is crucial to breaking the cycle of poverty.
Here are some of the effective ways we impact girls and the women they will become.
Child sponsorship – Education is a great benefit of child sponsorship. When children are sponsored, they and their families are given basic resources such as access to clean water, nutritious food, tutoring, school uniforms and other supplies. Program staff encourage children that there is life outside of poverty, which is the only thing many of these kids have known. They are taught to hope and dream of more in life. They learn that education is a key to their future.
Literacy classes for women – Little girls grow up to be women, and literacy is essential for higher-paying jobs and obtaining basic life skills. When women know how to read, they are more likely to fight for their daughters’ education. They are able to help them with schoolwork and read to them. Literacy would be life-changing for the 250 million illiterate women in Asia.
Overcome gender barriers – GFA World works with women missionaries to serve the women of Asia, who can discover the transforming love of Jesus through these women missionaries. These missionaries can approach women in their homes and share Jesus’ love without fear of abuse or misinterpretations. They can freely interact with other women in a culture where men typically can’t. As a result, they can develop deep friendships and provide valuable counsel. They serve women in all walks of life—widows, new moms, girls and teens.
Develop communities – Providing families with basic necessities for healthy living is vital for GFA World’s mission. When communities have access to clean water, income-producing farm animals, vocational training and other community-strengthening training, it helps create a strong community. Through the ministry of GFA missionaries and the local church, communities are developed and changed through the hope and love of Christ.
Will you join us in our mission to fight for girls’ education?
Learn more about girl’s education