How Much to Drill a Well?
Well drilling provides clean and accessible water for an entire community. But the question is: how much to drill a well? Costs vary, depending on size, depth, casing and region.
Most homeowners in the United States spend from $3,750 to $15,300 for a well with an average depth of 150 feet. For a 400-foot deep well, costs range from $14,200 to $33,600, depending on diameter (4” to 8”, respectively).[1]
Costs like those value global water well drilling services at $2.83 million in 2019. By 2027, drilling services are expected to rise to $3.9 million.[2]
In Thailand, the government estimates that it costs about 1 million baht, or $29,883 US dollars, for groundwater wells that include storage tanks and distribution systems. However, this amount only covers wells that range from 100 to 120 meters deep; many wells need to be dug much deeper.[3]
At GFA World, we dig Jesus Wells up to 200 meters to make sure water is accessible year-round, even during droughts.
Some organizations require $13,500 to drill a well.[4] Others can drill for $3,000, but these wells only reach 100-150 feet below the surface.[5] At GFA, we drill much deeper wells for drastically less.
Our Jesus Wells can serve around 300 people each day for a cost of, on average, $1,400. We keep costs down by using local contractors and regionally-manufactured supplies. Employing local contractors supports the economy. It also keeps prices low because the contractors use simple equipment and give quantity discounts since they drill a large number of wells for us.
GFA also arranges for ongoing well maintenance. As part of its ministry, each local church maintains the community well. Congregations do everything from lubricating hand pumps to replacing parts, like rubber seals. They also keep the grounds around Jesus Wells neat so they are a welcoming place to gather.
Jesus Wells are built to last for about 20 years or more, or 20 million cycles, before requiring mechanical repair. Each pump’s simplicity means it’s easy to fix, with standard replacement parts.
Heavy-duty handpumps also make the wells durable. We most often use the India Mark II handpump, which has been designed through the cooperation of several renowned world service organizations.
Jesus Wells are wise investments. They truly change the lives of families living in the most impoverished communities in Asia and Africa.
How much to drill a well?
While $1,400 saves up to 300 people from waterborne diseases and the time and risks spent by women and children walking miles to collect water, any amount contributed makes a difference for the drilling of Jesus Wells.
Learn more about well drilling[1] “Well Drilling Cost.” Home guide. https://homeguide.com/costs/well-drilling-cost. Accessed March 16, 2022.
[2] “Global Water Well Drilling Services Markets, 2020-2021 & 2027—Rise in Preference for Underground Water Over Surface Water.” Cision PR Newswire. https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/global-water-well-drilling-services-markets-2020-2021–2027—rise-in-preference-for-underground-water-over-surface-water-301217164.html. January 28, 2021.
[3] “Govt Clarifies Well-drilling Costs in Drought Mitigation Budget.” Press Release. https://reliefweb.int/report/thailand/govt-clarifies-well-drilling-costs-drought-mitigation-budget. January 18, 2020.
[4] “How Much to Drill a Well.” GFA. https://gospelforasia.com/well-drilling/how-much-to-drill-a-well/. Accessed March 16, 2022.
[5] “Water.” Zakat. https://www.zakat.org/our-work/water. Accessed March 16, 2022.