Provide Access to Clean Water
When organizations like GFA World provide access to clean water, it literally saves lives.
Nearly 10% of diseases worldwide could be prevented with improved water supplies, sanitation and hygiene.[1]
In real numbers, that would save millions of lives annually, including:
- 1.4 million preventable child deaths from diarrhea
- 860,000 preventable child deaths from malnutrition,
- 31,000 deaths from dengue, Japanese encephalitis and onchocerciasis.
- 280,000 deaths from drowning—72% of drownings could be avoided by improving the safety of water bodies through information, education and regulations.[2]
In addition, every year, organizations that provide access to clean water and water management systems could prevent needless suffering, including:
- 2 billion intestinal nematode infections.
- 25 million people from suffering from serious incapacitation due to lymphatic filariasis, a parasitic disease that damages the lymph system and weakens the immune system.
- 5 million visual impairments from trachoma.
- 200 million people from getting schistosomiasis, a parasitic disease which causes abdominal pain, liver enlargement, blood in the stool or urine and problems urinating.
- an average of 42% of malaria cases.[3]
GFA World provides well drilling services for impoverished communities free of charge. We drill our Jesus Wells up to 600 feet deep to deliver clean water for around 300 people per day. Because they’re so deep, they pump water year-round, even during otherwise devastating droughts.
Before GFA intervened in Miron’s community, Miron’s family and neighbors suffered from diseases that left their bodies swollen and unable to function. As a farmer and daily laborer, Miron was unable to work and couldn’t provide for his family sufficiently. Neighbors suggested they seek help from witch doctors, who dwindled the scant amount of money the family had.
One day, Miron asked GFA Pastor Parley, who served his sister’s village, for help. Pastor Parley prayed for the family and ultimately built a Jesus Well in their community. The well allowed GFA to provide access to clean water to 75 families. It also helped spread Christ’s love and light to families who attended prayer meetings Pastor Parley led.
In communities that have plenty of access to water but where the water is contaminated, BioSand water filters take the place of well drilling.
BioSand water filters help protect families from waterborne illnesses by filtering out 98% of impurities.
Before GFA freely gave Sabin and his family a BioSand water filter, they drank muddy water from an open well. He and his family suffered from stomach pain that prescribed medication didn’t cure. The doctor recommended drinking clean water, but Sabin couldn’t afford it.
When GFA’s Pastor Keene gave Sabin’s family, as well as 200 other families, BioSand filters, their health improved.
“I am so thankful to the church for providing our family a water filter,” Sabin says. “Really it was an urgent need. Thank you for helping us in times of need.”[4]
Help families like Sabin’s by donating $30 for a BioSand filter.
Learn more about well drilling[1] Pruss-Ustun, A. et al. “Safer water, better health: Costs, benefits and sustainability of interventions to protect and promote health.” https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/43840/9789241596435_eng.pdf?sequence=1. 2008.
[2] Ibid.
[3] Ibid.
[4] “A Solution for Stomachaches.” Rejoice! Gospel for Asia Newsletter. https://gfa-newsletter.org/issue/19/3/a-solution-for-stomachaches/. March 2022.