Sponsor a Family for Christmas: Brighten Futures with Love
When you sponsor a family for Christmas, you’re giving more than just a seasonal present—you’re providing a gateway to hope, stability and a transformed future. By learning how to donate a chicken, how to donate a cow, or how to donate a goat, you can create lasting impact for families trapped in cycles of poverty. The stories of Pratul, Gunavati and Mayra highlight the life-changing potential of gifting through GFA World’s Christmas Gift Catalog.
For Pratul and his family, life was a daily struggle. As a farmer, he worked hard to provide for his wife and children, but the income from his crops was barely enough for them to survive. His challenges multiplied as he needed fertilizer to enrich his soil but lacked the funds to purchase it.
All of this changed the day Pratul received a cow through GFA World’s Christmas Gift Catalog. Within months, the cow gave birth to a calf, providing milk for the family and generating income from milk sales. The manure, now a free source of fertilizer, increased the productivity of his fields. Over time, Pratul’s financial stability grew, allowing him to plant additional crops and ensure his children could complete their education. Today, his family thrives, and they give thanks to God for the gift that changed everything.[1]
For Gunavati and her husband, Mahin, poverty felt like an unshakable burden. Despite their hard work—Mahin running a small tea shop and Gunavati toiling in the fields—they could barely support their growing family, let alone repay the loan they had taken out to cover their needs. Their financial woes strained their faith, leaving them longing for peace.
GFA Pastor Rochan recognized the family’s struggles and recommended them for a goat during a Christmas gift distribution. The goat quickly became a turning point. Its milk nourished the family, and the extra was sold for additional income. When the goat gave birth to kids, Gunavati and Mahin gave one to Pastor Rochan to show their deep gratitude to the church for this gift. They sold three others to pay off their loan, finally escaping the shadow of debt. Grateful for this incredible provision, Gunavati and her family deepened their relationship with God and now actively participate in their local church.[2]
After losing her husband and daughter, Mayra’s life became a constant struggle with poverty. Living with her son, whose earnings barely sustained them, she couldn’t afford even basic necessities. Their situation seemed hopeless until an unexpected blessing arrived.
GFA World’s Sisters of the Cross (formerly Sisters of Compassion), conducted gift distribution of a pair of chickens that transformed their lives, providing both food security and a source of income. The chickens produced eggs that could be consumed and sold at the market, creating a sustainable way to improve their situation. This act of kindness touched Mayra deeply, who had always wanted chickens but lacked the means to acquire them. The gift not only met their physical needs but also led her to explore the faith that inspired such generosity.[3]
GFA World’s Christmas Gift Catalog is more than a way to provide material goods—it’s a means of sharing God’s love in practical and life-changing ways. Families like Pratul’s, Gunavati’s and Mayra’s are living testimonies to the transformative power of these gifts. A cow, goat or chicken may seem like a small contribution, but it can bring sustainable nourishment, financial stability, and a promising future to families in desperate need, all while demonstrating God’s love and care for them.
When you discover how to donate a goat, you’re giving a family milk to drink and sell, as well as the opportunity to grow their herd for future income. Similarly, understanding how to donate a cow allows you to provide a family with milk for nutrition, manure for farming, and a source of income that can be multiplied over time. And when you donate a chicken, you’re enabling a family to have eggs for nourishment and a steady income stream from selling surplus eggs.
This Christmas, consider giving a gift that goes beyond the season. GFA World’s Christmas Gift Catalog offers a chance to plant seeds of encouragement and unlock new possibilities for families in need. Each donation helps a family break free from the cycle of poverty and empowers them to build a future with hope. A cow, goat or chicken can spark a journey toward self-sufficiency, enabling parents to provide for their children and invest in their futures. Through these gifts, families also experience the love and care of God. As they use the resources to rebuild their lives, many recipients grow in faith and gratitude, strengthened by the knowledge that someone cared enough to make a difference. This holiday season, be part of that transformation. Your generosity can change the lives of families like Pratul’s, Gunavati’s and Mayra’s, helping them to rise above their challenges and thrive in the years to come.
Learn more about charitable Christmas gifts[1] “The Gift that Keeps Giving – A Decade Later.” GFA World Ministry Reports. December 20, 2018. Accessed November 16, 2024. https://gospelforasia-reports.org/2018/12/gift-keeps-giving-decade-later/.
[2] “Goat Pays Off Family Debts.” GFA World Ministry Reports. November 19, 2013. Accessed November 16, 2024. https://gospelforasia-reports.org/2013/11/goat-pays-familys-debt/.
[3] “Unexpected Gifts Come . . . Squawking.” Gospel for Asia (GFA World) Updates & Reports from the Mission Field, February 15, 2016. https://gospelforasia-reports.org/2016/02/when-unexpected-gifts-come-squawking/.