Charitable Christmas Gifts: Life-Changing Gifts from GFA World
By offering transformational charitable Christmas gifts, we at GFA World have combined the traditional idea of giving gifts with that of giving something that uplifts whole communities to end the cycle of poverty in Africa and Asia. Livestock, clean water solutions, vocational training and winter clothing are some of the gifts that empower individuals and communities to rise above the challenges of poverty.
The practice of giving charitable gifts for Christmas demonstrates compatible values of charity and goodwill. There are millions in Africa and Asia who have to bear real ‘life sentence’ hardships on a daily basis. For those who suffer food insecurity, cannot access education or clean drinking water, or are mired in poverty, the helping hand that gifts from GFA World’s Christmas Gift Catalog provides is more than just a hand of help; it is an opportunity for sustainable solutions and renewed hope.
In many rural areas, farm animals are the difference that helps pull people out of poverty. It may sound incredible to those who have only been used to having animals as pets, but one goat, chicken or pig can prove to be life-changing for a family. These animals are sources of milk, eggs and potential income that make progress possible. Chickens produce a ready supply of eggs, and a goat can give milk and meat that is extremely beneficial. This provision helps to bring about economic independence since families find markets for their excess produce within the community.
Pratul, a poor farmer, struggled daily to feed his family until he received a cow through our GFA World Christmas gift distribution nearly a decade ago. This gift transformed his life: the cow provided milk, a calf and natural fertilizer for his crops, leading to greater harvests and freeing funds to diversify his farming. Over the years, the cow’s offspring expanded his herd, creating new income sources and ensuring food security. With this newfound stability, Pratul was able to send his children to school, and he became an active giver in his church, gratefully praising God for how this gift had broken the cycle of poverty in his family.[1]
Another gift that can be life-changing is the simple gift of warmth. Across parts of Africa and Asia, where winters can be harsh, many homes lack adequate insulation. Families in these communities often face bitterly cold nights with minimal protection. GFA World offers Charitable gifts to give for Christmas that make a difference during the winter when the risks of typical illnesses and weakness are higher due to the severe reduction in temperature. Blankets are not just comfort items; they are the last line of defense people have against extremely harsh conditions. In places where most families struggle even to afford necessities, such gifts become priceless. The warmth of a blanket or coat in winter offers more than physical comfort; it expresses the love of Christ through the kindness of His people.
In many areas, access to clean water remains a critical problem. GFA World addresses this through the installation of BioSand filters and Jesus Wells so that a community may be supplied with a sufficient provision of safe, clean water. This health gift prevents many waterborne illnesses and thus improves the general health of a community as a whole. Where clean water sources are few, our water initiatives work in incredibly impactful ways. Jesus Wells are often situated close to churches or other places where people gather as proof of the need to love one another. These wells bring people together, allowing them to meet this essential need while also fostering community spirit and resilience.
Vocational training is another gift of impact from GFA World. We help families break out of the poverty trap by providing an individual with a trade or literacy. For example, a mother can use her gift of a sewing machine and training to start a tailoring business that will support the family. Such knowledge is extremely important in regions that generally do not have access to education and resources. Vocational programs allow women the opportunity to earn an income with dignity and give them a prospect of hope in societies where they are generally pushed to the periphery because of cultural values and norms attached to women’s roles. Such training affects everyone by lifting entire families out of poverty and giving the next generation new possibilities.
With GFA World’s charitable gifts, Christmas represents the gift of love, freely given with no thought of return. This Christmas, give a gift that’s life-changing. Relief, sustainability and joy for families in need—those are just some of the priceless gifts you offer when you join GFA World this Christmas season. We can help families and communities have a better future simply by giving one thoughtful gift at a time.
View our GFA World Christmas Gift Catalog!
Learn more about charitable Christmas gift ideas[1] “The Gift that Keeps Giving—a Decade Later.” Gospel for Asia (GFA World). Reports from the Field. December 20, 2018. https://gospelforasia-reports.org/2018/12/gift-keeps-giving-decade-later/.