What Are Some Water Crisis Solutions?
Water crisis solutions have been researched and evaluated for decades. Studies have been conducted and organizations have learned through trial and error what works and what provides best for the needs of the people who are living in water-stressed environments.
At GFA, we have been serving in Asia since 1979 and more recently have began looking to help with the water crisis in Africa as well. We often serve in places no one else is serving so these communities can experience the love of God for the first time. Through these decades, we have learned how to serve the people and bring them clean, safe water.
We help in the water crisis in three major areas:
Community development through facilities
When GFA brings water to a community, we bring hope. Through Jesus Wells, entire communities can access clean drinking water. These wells are maintained by a local church, which increases the ministry outreach of that church.
GFA also provides latrines for families or communities. These latrines give families dignity and help keep open defecation from contaminating the water supply.
Helping individual families with water
BioSand water filters can be used in homes to filter the water from impurities. The filters make water 90 percent pure from contaminates that cause waterborne illness.
Educating on water usage and hygiene
Teaching water usage and hygiene to children and families makes a significant impact. When good hygiene practices are implemented, disease is less likely to spread. When we create new healthy behaviors in children, that knowledge lasts for generations.