How Can We Stop the Water Crisis?
People have been asking, “How can we stop the water crisis?” for decades. At GFA, we have found that micro-solutions are very effective and impactful to increase the quality of life for individuals, families, and entire communities.
Nirdhar and Karishma’s village is located on a rocky hillside in Asia. Before GFA came to help, their only source of water was rainwater that collected in a pond near the village. When the weather turned dry, the pond did, too. A local church stepped in to help. With the help of GFA, the church began to drill for water. They drilled deeper and deeper without finding water and the community was losing hope. Finally, they struck water! Now the family has clean, safe water to use throughout the year!
“We never thought a well would be drilled in our village,” Nidhar said. “But the true need of this village was met by Gospel for Asia. We are truly thankful for it.”
This is just one example of thousands! Even in areas with severe drought, GFA and their partner churches have provided wells to meet the needs of the people.
Another micro-solution is the provision of BioSand water filters for homes. These filters, provided by GFA, strip the water of contamination and prevent waterborne illnesses. It’s a small investment that makes a huge difference for these families.
The water GFA provides is freely offered to all, regardless of their religious or social backgrounds. Providing safe water is a practical way to show people how much God loves and cares for them, and clean water can open the door for people to see the love and mercy of Christ.
What is the best way to stop the water crisis? It’s effectively done one community at a time—or even one home at a time—meeting the needs of people along the way.