Donate Clean Water
When you donate clean water, you make a life-changing difference in a community. Many people around the world can’t reach for a clean, refreshing drink of water on a hot summer day. Collecting water may take hours and, oftentimes, the water that took so long to find is contaminated with feces or another form of pollution. This contaminated water often carries waterborne diseases like diarrhea, cholera, typhoid, Hepatitis A, and amoebiasis. Whenever you donate clean drinking water, or give a water well donation to Africa or Asia, you can make a life-saving contribution.
When you donate clean water through GFA World, you:
Allow children to have time for school
The responsibility of collecting water often falls on the children, especially girls. When these girls have to walk for hours to find water, they are unable to go to school. For many, water is more important to the family than their education. Children who attend school have a greater chance of breaking the cycle of poverty, so water is an essential commodity for alleviation of poverty.
Provide faster access to water
When a village has access to a clean water well in their neighborhood, it is convenient and more likely to be used, rather than drinking contaminated water. When water is miles away, villagers often resort to drinking water from unsafe sources.
Give a church a ministry to their community
Each Jesus Well provided through GFA World provides a local church with a way to serve and minister to their local community. The church is responsible for maintaining the well and keeping it in good working order. The villagers know the well is provided through that local church. Pastors and other believers can then share about Jesus, the Living Water.
Provide it for free to all
In some locations, certain people are not allowed to use water from the community water source. Jesus Wells through GFA are available to all people, free of charge. Since the local church maintains the well, they are responsible to ensure everyone has free and equal access to the water.
Rani was so ashamed by her bad attitude toward the believers that initially she didn’t draw water from the Jesus Well. One day, the pastor invited her to use the well and she did. Gradually, over time, Rani learned about Jesus’ love for her, and she responded to God’s love. Some around her didn’t approve of her, but she didn’t back down. Instead, she continued to show God’s love in whatever way she could.
Many villagers have joined Rani and accepted Jesus’ Living Water. They are thankful for the church and the clean fresh water it provides. The villagers understand that Jesus cares for them and their needs, and has a heart of compassion for all.
On average, with one Jesus Well, GFA World can provide safe, clean drinking water to approximately 300 people per day for at least 10 years at a cost of $1400, which means a donor can supply clean water for a decade for an entire family of six for $30!
These wells are built to last and dug deep enough to produce water in the driest of seasons. Each well has a heavy-duty handpump, often the India Mark II model, which was designed through joint efforts of many world service organizations. The pump has a lifespan of approximately 20 years. In fact, the first well GFA installed is still running over 20 years later!
“I extend my heartfelt thanks and greetings to those who supported and prayed for this Jesus Well! On behalf of all my church members and from these villagers and especially my family and me… thank you so much for helping us to survive and for helping us to [share God’s love] in this place.” – GFA pastor
Donate clean water today through GFA World’s Water Program »