What should I consider before I donate a water well in Africa?
Before you donate a water well in Africa, it is prudent to make sure you are making a wise investment. Consider the following FAQs we receive at GFA World. We think these are great questions and want to share our answers with you:
At GFA World, we’ve been ministering in Asia for 40 years and have a proven track record of helping some of the poorest areas get and maintain access to clean drinking water. We are excited to use that experience in Africa as well.
At GFA World, we are committed to drilling wells as deep as necessary to provide clean water in all seasons, including in times of drought. Our wells are drilled using locals, which keeps the costs down and also helps the local economy.
Our first well was drilled in South Asia over 20 years ago. This well is still operating properly and has been life-changing to that community. Of course, not all wells last two decades, but many do!
Over 50,000 water well projects in Africa now sit abandoned.3 They were drilled by well-intended organizations, but now sit dry or contaminated. This should not be so! At GFA World, a main tenant of our well drilling projects is in the area of maintenance. Each well is cared for and maintained by a local church. The church is responsible for repairing the handpump and keeping it in good working order. If a natural disaster or unforeseen event occurs, GFA will help the church with the funds needed to repair the well. These wells are a ministry of the local church and give the pastor and people a tangible way to help their community and share Jesus’ love.
We at GFA World have a holistic approach to poverty alleviation. Our local pastors meet the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of the neediest people in the communities in which we work. We accomplish this through clean water projects, community development, child sponsorship, literacy programs, medical initiatives, widow care, and more.