How Can We Stop Child Labor Around the World?
Child labor around the world remains a thorny problem that is difficult to solve in one fell swoop, as nice as that would be. As long as there is extreme poverty, there will likely be child labor, as the two are inexorably linked. Right now, it is estimated that 10 percent of the world’s population lives in extreme poverty, surviving on less than $1.90 a day.[1] Thus, the mission to end child labor must include the eradication of poverty worldwide as well.
GFA World’s ministry is part of the solution for both goals, seeking to break the cycle of poverty within families so children can go to school instead of working. Through practical solutions, such as its child sponsorship program, GFA World impacts children, families and entire communities with Christ’s love.
Jenya, for example, lived on a tea plantation with her grandparents while her parents lived 30 miles away on another plantation. Jenya longed for their monthly visit, which always ended too soon.[2]
These tea families were paid near-poverty wages for the promise of perks like free housing and education for their kids, but the plantations rarely held up their end of the deal. And, even if there was a school to attend, many of the children had to drop out to work alongside their families in the tea fields to meet the unreasonable quotas of the plantation owners.[3] If the plantation workers did not include their children in the work, they risked going into debt and perpetuating the cycle of poverty.
School is one of the best ways to end that cycle, which is likely why Jenya was staying with her grandparents—their plantation had education opportunities for workers’ children. Though she was spared working, Jenya was failing school. She was lonely and full of despair at just 7 years old. Then, her grandparents heard about GFA World’s Child Sponsorship Program, which had an after-school program nearby, and enrolled her. Instead of spending hours alone, Jenya got to be with smiling children, received help with schoolwork and learned that she was loved. With hope for now and hope for the future, thanks to her education, Jenya has the ability break the cycle of poverty and change her life.[4]
GFA World works with children like Jenya in Asia and Africa, showing them the love of God, making sure they receive an education, and showing their parents how vital that education is for their future. If a child’s opportunities for a better future are sacrificed to meet financial needs now, the poverty cycle continues. If they receive an education, however, that cycle can be broken.
Learn more about GFA World’s work to end child labor, and consider joining this effort by sponsoring a child today.
Learn more about child labor[1] “11 Facts about Global Poverty.” Do Something. Accessed October 22, 2022. https://www.dosomething.org/us/facts/11-facts-about-global-poverty.
[2] “Alone No Longer Because of Bridge of Hope.” GFA World. December 2019. https://www.gfa.org/news/articles/alone-no-longer-because-of-bridge-of-hope-wfr19-12/.
[3] “Tea workers in India face problems of child labor, gender discrimination, and wage theft.” International Labor Rights Forum. Accessed October 22, 2022. https://laborrights.org/industries/tea.
[4] “Alone No Longer Because of Bridge of Hope.” GFA World. December 2019. https://www.gfa.org/news/articles/alone-no-longer-because-of-bridge-of-hope-wfr19-12/.