Spirit of Poverty

How Can the Signs of Spirit of Poverty Be Overcome in Asia and Africa?

One of the signs of spirit of poverty is a cycle of survival-focused living where families struggle to meet basic needs like food, water and shelter, leaving little energy for planning a better future.[1] This is a reality for millions in South Asia and Africa where poverty extends beyond financial hardship to include mental stress, lack of education and feelings of hopelessness.[2] Yet, the Bible reminds us of God’s love for the poor and vulnerable. Proverbs 19:17 says, “Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will repay him for his deed” (ESV). This truth inspires many Christians to act with compassion, bringing hope to those in need.

Sumana’s story is an example of how Christian compassion can transform lives.[3] Sumana grew up in a poor family in South Asia. After facing discrimination in their village, her family moved to the city for better opportunities. Her parents worked in a carpet factory, earning only $1.60 a day—far too little to provide for their seven children. To help, Sumana dropped out of school and joined her parents at the factory. Despite their efforts, the family struggled. They returned to their village, and Sumana and her younger sister, Sai, were left alone in the city to work and send money home. Sumana took care of Sai, even enrolling her in school, but she couldn’t help her sister with homework, leaving Sai discouraged.

Through God’s provision, Sumana learned about GFA World’s Child Sponsorship Program. The program paid for Sai’s school fees and supplies and provided tutoring support. Sai’s grades improved, and she became excited about learning. Sumana expressed gratitude for the kindness and love that transformed their lives, reflecting God’s care for the marginalized.

The Bible teaches us that acts of love and compassion are central to following Christ. Galatians 6:9 encourages believers to “not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up” (ESV). This principle drives organizations us to provide practical resources alongside emotional and spiritual encouragement.

Education is one of the most effective ways to break the cycle of poverty. When families like Sumana’s receive help, they can shift their focus from daily survival to building a hopeful future. As we extend God’s love through acts of compassion, we reflect the heart of Jesus, who came to bring life in abundance. By combining practical tools with faith-filled encouragement, together we can break the spirit of poverty and offer lasting hope to families in need. Partner with us today.

Learn more about how GFA World is breaking the spirit of poverty and providing hope

[1] Concern Worldwide. “Extreme Poverty and Hunger: A Vicious Cycle.” Accessed February 19, 2025. https://www.concern.net/news/poverty-and-hunger.
[2] Mullainathan, Sendhil, and Shafir, Eldar. Scarcity: Why having too little means so much. Times Books. New York. 2013. 28–34.
[3] “How Is GFA World Promoting Girls’ Education?” GFA World. Accessed November 30, 2024. https://gospelforasia.net/girls-education/promoting-girls-education/#fnref1.