Who Were Some Christian Missionaries in Africa?
One could argue that one of the first Christian missionaries in Africa was the Ethiopian eunuch of Acts 8:26-40. Presumably, after he was baptized, the eunuch returned to Queen Candace’s Ethiopian kingdom and shared the Gospel message with her, just as Philip had shared it with him. Since then, many more people have worked to bring God’s love to Africa.
Dr. David Livingstone
One of the best-known of these missionaries is Dr. David Livingstone. He was mostly focused on finding a path to and through the interior of Africa, opening the way for legitimate commerce—undercutting the slave trade.[1] This also allowed for other missionaries to follow in the villages he visited along the way.[2] Besides three great missionary journeys, Dr. Livingstone wrote books and traveled around England, speaking about Africa and the need for missions there, which raised awareness and influenced many after him to reach the continent with the Gospel.[3]
Mary Slessor
Mary Slessor answered that challenge and continued doing missions work in Africa after Livingstone died. She lived and worked in places no European had been before; she stayed with the Okoyong and Efik people for 15 years, learning their languages, resolving disputes and fighting to end superstitious practices like twin killing. “Mighty Mary” earned their respect and love, so she could spread the Gospel to places no other missionary could have.[4]
Lott Carey
Another missionary to Africa was Lott Carey, the first African American missionary there. Years earlier, he was so moved by the story of Nicodemus, he went to night school to learn how to read it for himself. There, he also studied the Bible and felt a pull toward missions. Before he left for West Africa, Carey said, “It may be that I shall behold you no more on this side of the grave, but I feel bound to labor for my brothers.” He went on to establish a church and several schools in Monrovia, Liberia.[5]
Missions work continues in Africa, including the initial ministry GFA World has been in the continent. We have begun to establish ministry in Rwanda, starting with a child sponsorship program—from which we will reach out to those living in countries throughout the rest of the continent.[6] GFA is working to partner with the local officials to combat some of Africa’s most pressing needs like a lack of water, healthcare and education to end the cycles of poverty and show the people the love of God as we do it.
Consider joining in this effort through your gift and your prayer. With your support, GFA World can change lives and impact even an entire continent.
Learn more about GFA’s missionaries in Africa[1] Shepperson, George Albert. “David Livingstone.” Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/biography/David-Livingstone. September 13, 2022.
[2] Chantel. “15 Missionary Heroes and Their Inspiring Stories.” Kindred Grace. https://kindredgrace.com/missionary-heroes-stories/. Accessed October 27, 2022.
[3] Shepperson, George Albert. “David Livingstone.” Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/biography/David-Livingstone. September 13, 2022.
[4] Chantel. “15 Missionary Heroes and Their Inspiring Stories.” Kindred Grace. https://kindredgrace.com/missionary-heroes-stories/. Accessed October 27, 2022.
[5] Shiles, Matt. “Notable African-American Missionaries Throughout History.” Northland Church. https://www.northlandchurch.net/resources/notable-african-american-missionaries-throughout-history. February 17, 2022.
[6] “GFA World Expands Ministry to Africa.” GFA World. https://www.gfa.org/africa/. Accessed October 27, 2022.