4,856 Jesus Wells Drilled in 2019 – Gospel for Asia Annual Report
GFA behind-the-scenes missionary Shelley tells the story of Suhana and the first Jesus Well. Instead of walking miles each day to collect dirty water, she now has clean water right at her doorstep!
“Since that first Jesus Well was drilled in 2000, GFA has installed over 30,000 Jesus Wells. And Suhana is just one person, but over 37.5 million people have benefited from GFA’s clean water projects over the years. And that is something worth talking about!” Shelley says.
Our numbers represent the Lord’s work in 2019 through GFA and our partnerships worldwide as we follow Him in His work in 16 Asian nations, including Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Nepal.
Gospel for Asia’s 2019 Annual Report: https://www.gfa.org/special-report/2019/
Compliments of Gospel for Asia (GFA World).
© 2021 Gospel for Asia, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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4,856 Jesus Wells Drilled in 2019 – Gospel for Asia Annual Report
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So last year, 4,856 Jesus Wells were drilled in communities in Asia that needed water. Like there’s this lady Suhana, and she grew up in an area where the only access to water are ponds outside of the village. And so most of her days are spent walking miles to these ponds.
Their village plus surrounding villages would all go to this one pond to give water to their cattle, to get water for their fields. They would bathe in that pond. They would clean their household utensils in that pond. And then they would take that water home to cook with it, and to drink. And just the sickness that people would experience in these villages was so terrible.
When she got married, she moved to her husband’s village, and right outside his house, the very first Jesus Well had just been drilled. And she had no idea how that Jesus Well was going to change her life. Now she has access to clean water right at her front door. So she no longer has to make those long trips, she no longer has to go several times a day to get clean water, it’s right there.
So this is just one village. But since that first Jesus Well was drilled in 2000, GFA has installed over 30,000 Jesus Wells. And Suhana is just one person, but over 37.5 million people have benefited from GFA’s clean water projects over the years. And that is something worth talking about!
I would like to thank people who donated to Jesus Wells, but especially that first one. Not only was Suhana’s life impacted, but her children and their village and the villages around them. Their whole way of life has changed for the better because of that Jesus Well.