How Can I Help Children in Crisis?
Children in crisis need immediate relief from whatever desperate situation they may be facing. People may say that children are resilient, but that does not mean they are indestructible. A child who is in crisis is experiencing a form of trauma.
According to the National Child Traumatic Stress Network,
“Traumatic experiences can initiate strong emotions and physical reactions that can persist long after the event. Children may feel terror, helplessness, or fear, as well as physiological reactions such as heart pounding, vomiting, or loss of bowel or bladder control. Children who experience an inability to protect themselves or who lacked protection from others to avoid the consequences of the traumatic experience may also feel overwhelmed by the intensity of physical and emotional responses.”[1]
Kids who face crises like hunger, child labor and poverty are experiencing a kind of trauma, even if they can’t name it as such. The NCTSN says unaddressed trauma can cause children to have neurological development delays as well as physical and mental health issues.[2] That’s why it’s important to help children facing these situations as quickly as possible.
GFA World knows that children need stability, which is one of the reasons why we created GFA World’s Child Sponsorship Program. Any child enrolled in the program will get practical help, such as assistance with school fees and nutritious food. Even better, however, is the fact that they get the stabilizing presence of caring adults motivated by the love of Jesus Christ in their lives.
You can sponsor a child today for just $35 a month and know that a child will receive vital help. GFA missionaries will see that the crises in that child’s life will be significantly reduced, and they will also give them spiritual and emotional support as he or she navigates vulnerable circumstances. This will strengthen the child to have hope, start to thrive and see a future with a God who loves them. Your gift today can make that possible.
Be a sponsor for one of these precious little ones, whom Jesus said to never keep from coming to Him. You may not be able to physically go to Africa or Asia, but you can be a significant part of making sure children in need receive the love and help they need in Jesus’ name. Your sponsorship enables us to be His hands and feet to these precious children.
Learn more about how GFA is bringing hope for children[1] “About Child Trauma.” NCTSN. https://www.nctsn.org/what-is-child-trauma/about-child-trauma. Accessed December 8, 2022.
[2] Ibid.