What Are Child Labor Facts?
Child labor impacts much of the world and is particularly prevalent in impoverished communities where families have limited options. For example, in Africa and Asia—regions where GFA World focuses their ministry—over 72 million and 62 million children are involved in child labor. Even though many organizations are working to prevent and end child labor, this exploitative practice continues.
Here are some child labor facts from the International Labour Office (ILO):1
- 152 million children—roughly 1 in 10 children worldwide—between 5-17 years old are victims of child labor.
- 73 million children work in dangerous environments.
- Approximately 88 million boys are engaged in child labor worldwide compared to 64 million girls.
- 71 percent of all children in child labor work in agriculture.
- Children 12 years old and younger perform one-fourth of all child labor worldwide.
- The top regions for child labor are Africa (19.6 percent), Asia and the Pacific (7.4 percent).
- 32 percent of child laborers no longer attend school.
- 374 million children laborers get sick or injured annually while working.
- 2.78 million children laborers die annually.
According to the ILO, there were 94 million fewer children in child labor in 2020 than in 2016; however, the current statistics are still concerning. Any children engaged in child labor need our help.
Since 2004, GFA World has provided a child sponsorship program to help protect children from working in unsafe conditions in Asia and more recently, Africa. Through child sponsorship, children receive essentials such as nutritious food, educational support, access to clean water, medical care and more. This support relieves the financial pressure from families so their children can be fed and remain in school. When children stay in school, they build confidence and have new opportunities to learn, grow and hope. Moreover, attending school offers children opportunities beyond the low-income jobs accessible to them without an education.
Will you become a child sponsor? For $35 a month, you can help a child, their family and their community break the cycle of poverty. Through your sponsorship, children feel loved, wanted and hopeful, and they have the opportunity to experience God’s love firsthand.
Visit https://www.gfa.org/sponsorachild/ for more information.
Learn more about child labor definition1 “Global Estimates of Child Labour.” International Labour Office. 2016. https://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/—dgreports/—dcomm/documents/publication/wcms_575499.pdf